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Proven to boost IVF success

Spectrum preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) evaluates embryos for extra or missing chromosomes (PGT-A), single gene conditions (PGT-M), or structural rearrangements (PGT-SR), improving the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Spectrum tests for chromosomal abnormalities and known inherited genetic condition(s). Sample collections include an embryo biopsy and parental blood/cheek swab. Most results will be returned to your doctor within 7-10 business days.

Patient FAQs

  • Preimplantation genetic testing
  • Ordering & Sample Collection
  • Cost & Billing
  • Results & Reporting
What are my chances of having embryos with chromosomal abnormalities?

Most of the time, extra or missing chromosomes occur by chance during the formation of an egg or sperm. They can also occur at random during the early development of an embryo. However, the chances increase with maternal age.

Based on embryo biopsies performed at the blastocyst stage (day 5/6), the chance of producing an embryo with an abnormal number of chromosomes is up to 37% in women under 35 and over 75% for women 40 or older.*

*Data from 104,788 Trophectoderm (TE) samples screened at Natera.

Who could benefit from 24-chromosome preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A)?

24-chromosome PGT-A can be beneficial in the following scenarios:

  • Advanced maternal age (women 35 years of age or greater)
  • Embryo sex determination (sex selection) because of risk for X-linked conditions
  • Prior pregnancy or child with a chromosomal abnormality
  • Repeated unsuccessful IVF cycles
  • Recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Single-embryo transfer
  • Screening of previously untested and frozen embryos
What is mosaicism? I've heard that mosaicism is sometimes found with 24-chromosome PGT-A.
Mosaicism means that some cells within an embryo have a normal number of chromosomes, and some have an abnormal number. With PGT-A testing, a biopsy of one or more cells is tested to screen embryos for chromosomal abnormalities. If there is mosaicism within an embryo, it is possible that the cell(s) of an embryo biopsy sample would not be representative of the remaining cells in the embryo. Some forms of PGT-A have the potential to find mosaicism within an embryo biopsy sample, but no form of PGT-A can detect mosaicism between the cells of the biopsy and the cells of the remaining embryo.
I’ve had multiple miscarriages and am now considering IVF – how do I know if PGT-A will help me?

In some studies, couples with two or more miscarriages have been found to have a higher number of embryos with chromosome abnormalities. Some studies have shown a higher rate of pregnancy, a lower chance for miscarriage, and a higher rate of live birth for couples who used PGT-A.

Before choosing PGT-A, couples who have had two or more miscarriages should talk with their doctor about having a chromosome study (karyotype analysis) to rule out a chromosome rearrangement. This can be done with a simple blood test. In about 5% of couples with more than one miscarriage, one person is found to have a balanced chromosomal rearrangement. This does not affect that person’s health, but it increases the chance for miscarriage and for having pregnancies or children with chromosomal abnormalities.

If a chromosomal rearrangement is found, Natera has a special PGT test (translocation/inversion PGT-SR) that can test embryo samples for unbalanced chromosomal rearrangements that can occur due to your specific chromosomal rearrangement.

What is a single gene condition?

A single gene condition is caused by a change in a particular gene which causes that gene to function improperly or not function at all. Single gene conditions are inherited and passed through families. Examples of single gene conditions include cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, hemophilia, and Tay-Sachs disease. Most people who are ‘carriers’ of a gene change are healthy with no family history, but they are at risk of passing on a genetic condition to their child.

Who could benefit from PGT-M?

If you have a child or relative with a single gene condition, or if you and your partner are carriers of a single gene condition, IVF with PGT-M may be considered to reduce the chance of having an affected child. Individuals who are affected with a single gene condition can use PGT-M to avoid passing down the condition.

How do I know if I’m a carrier of a single gene condition?

Carrier screening can be done prior to starting fertility treatment to learn if you and your partner are carriers of a condition. Natera offers Horizon carrier screening for single gene conditions. Talk to your doctor about Horizon carrier screening prior to starting your IVF cycle.

Who could benefit from translocation/inversion PGT-SR?

Couples in which one partner carries a chromosomal rearrangement (translocation or inversion) are at increased risk, beyond maternal age-related risk, to have embryos with chromosomal abnormalities. Translocation/inversion PGT-SR can identify embryos that have inherited extra and/or missing chromosome material as a result of the parent chromosomal rearrangement.

Do I need to have prenatal diagnosis (CVS or amniocentesis) if I have PGT?

Although PGT is highly accurate, there is a chance for test error or undetected mosaicism in an embryo. Thus, prenatal diagnostic testing with either chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis should be considered for pregnancies conceived via IVF with PGT. The decision to proceed with prenatal diagnostic testing should be made between a patient and their doctor.

Who can I talk to to learn more about Spectrum?

You can ask your doctor or a genetic counselor to learn more about preimplantation genetic testing. You can ask your doctor to refer you to a local genetic counselor, or find one in your area through the National Society of Genetic Counselors at Natera has board-certified genetic counselors that are available by telephone to answer questions about Spectrum preimplantation genetic testing. You can schedule a complimentary genetic information session with Natera’s board-certified genetic counselors in our patient portal.

When is PGT done?

PGT testing is done during an IVF cycle. A single cell or a few cells are removed from a developing embryo several days after fertilization, and these samples are then sent to Natera for testing. The embryos themselves are frozen and remain at your IVF center.

Does the biopsy harm the embryo?

There is a small chance that an embryo biopsy may harm the embryo. This could lower the chance for pregnancy. Babies born after embryo biopsy and PGT do not have an increased rate of birth defects when compared to babies born after IVF without embryo biopsy. No other known problems with embryo biopsy or PGT have been reported at this time. However, since embryo biopsy is still a newer procedure, a small chance of increased harm cannot be ruled out.

What samples, other than embryo biopsy, are required for Spectrum PGT?

Parental samples, or samples from the egg and sperm donor may be needed for 24-chromosome screening. Single gene PGT-M often requires additional samples from other family members as well. Blood or cheek swab samples are accepted. Sperm donors have the option of submitting a sperm sample instead.

How do I know if PGT-M testing can be done for a specific single gene condition of interest?

Once Natera receives a Spectrum requisition form from your IVF doctor and a copy of your genetic test results, our board-certified genetic counselors and lab team will perform an initial assessment of your family history and of the genetic condition in your family to find out if we can develop a test for you.

Why can't Natera test embryo samples for all possible single gene conditions?

In order to do PGT-M for a single gene condition, Natera must know the exact single gene change(s), or mutation(s), carried by the parent(s). At this time, it is not possible to test for single gene conditions in an embryo if specific mutations are not known to be present in the parent(s).

Can Natera test for a single gene condition and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) type at the same time?

Yes. Natera is able to do PGT-M for HLA matching. When a couple would like to lower the chance of a single gene condition and also match HLA type with an affected sibling, PGT-M for both a single gene condition and HLA can be done at the same time.

Can Natera's testing of parent samples tell if a parent carries a balanced rearrangement?

No. Natera uses parent samples to help interpret embryo biopsy results. The samples are not used to find any health-related information on parents. If you want to know if you carry a balanced chromosomal rearrangement, talk with your doctor about ordering a test called a ‘karyotype’. A karyotype analysis can be ordered separately, through a cytogenetics laboratory, to rule out a chromosomal rearrangement.

Do I have to use ICSI for PGT-A, PGT-SR or PGT-M?

Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is when a single sperm is used to fertilize each egg in an IVF cycle. ICSI is recommended if you are doing PGT-A, PGT-SR, or PGT-M. When ICSI is not used, results can show an extra set of chromosomes caused by extra sperm. This is called sperm contamination. In these cases, we cannot be sure if the embryo itself has an extra set of chromosomes (and will therefore not result in a healthy liveborn child) or if there was sperm contamination. Since there is a chance for incorrect results when ICSI is not used, Natera recommends that you use ICSI during your IVF cycle.

What is the cost of Spectrum?

To understand your financial responsibility, please call Natera at 650-679-7791.

Will my insurance cover Spectrum?

Insurance coverage for Spectrum is contingent on your health insurance plan and coverage benefits. Please visit the Natera Payment Portal or call Natera at 877-869-3052 (select 2 to speak with one of our billing experts) in order to settle your balance.

How do I pay my bill?

Please call Natera at 650-679-7791 in order to settle your balance.

Does Natera offer payment plans for Spectrum?

Please call Natera at 650-679-7791 to check eligibility and payment plan options.

How long do PGT results take?

Once embryo biopsy samples are received at Natera, results typically take between 7-10 business days to be sent to your doctor. Your doctor will notify you of the results.

How will I know when my PGT results are available?

You will receive your results from your doctor’s office. They may tell you the results over the phone or ask you to come into their office.

Who can I talk to about my results?

Typically, you will receive your results from the healthcare provider who ordered the test. If you have specific questions about your results, we encourage you to schedule a complimentary genetic information session with a Natera board-certified genetic counselor in our patient portal.

How are the results reported?

Embryo biopsy samples are labeled to match the embryos that remain at your center. The results list which embryo biopsy samples had normal (euploid) results, which embryo biopsy samples had abnormal (aneuploid) results, and also any embryo biopsy samples with no/inconclusive results.

Provider FAQs

  • Spectrum Overview
  • Ordering & Logistics
  • Sample Requirements & Shipping
  • Results & Reporting
Why choose Spectrum PGT?

Spectrum reports include optional segmental and mosaic findings. The reports detail the size and type of deletions and duplications detected and embryos that are mosaics are placed into two buckets: low-level and high-level mosaic. Natera offers flexible mosaicism reporting options and post-test genetic information sessions with board-certified genetic counselors to help your patients understand their results and best options for embryo transfer.

How do I begin offering Spectrum in my office?

You can contact Natera by calling 844-778-4700 or emailing You will be connected with our inside sales team who will set up an account for you.

How do I order more kits?

You have two options:

  1. Log into NateraConnect, choose “order collection kits”, fill out the empty fields and click “submit”.
  2. Email and tell them how many kits you want and when you would like them.
How do I complete the requisition form?

Complete the patient and provider information, testing information and reason for referral section, and select the test you are requesting: 24 chromosome PGT-A only, translocation/inversion PGT-SR or single gene PGT-M with PGT-A. For translocation/inversion PGT-SR, you must attach a copy of the patient’s karyotype report for review. For single gene PGT-M, you must attach a copy of the genetic test results. Missing information on the requisition form may cause a delay in turn around time for results.

Can Natera's testing of parental samples tell if a parent carries a balanced rearrangement?

No. Natera uses parent samples to help interpret embryo biopsy results. The samples are not used to find any health related information on parents. A karyotype analysis can be ordered separately, through a cytogenetics laboratory, to rule out a chromosomal rearrangement.

Can Natera detect balanced rearrangements in embryo samples?

No. Natera’s testing detects extra or missing whole chromosomes and can detect extra or missing pieces of chromosomes in embryo samples. Natera’s PGT-SR testing is unable to differentiate between normal chromosomes and a balanced chromosomal rearrangement (since there is no chromosomal imbalance). Therefore, embryos with a normal result may have the same balanced rearrangement (translocation or inversion) as the parent.

My patient is using an egg or sperm donor. Can we still do PGT?

Yes. Depending on the test ordered, a DNA sample (blood, cheek swab or sperm) is needed from the egg and sperm donor. The sample can be sent to Natera from your clinic, or sent from a donor agency/cryobank.

Can Natera test for a single gene condition and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) type at the same time?

Yes. Natera is able to do PGT-M for HLA matching. When a couple would like to lower the chance of a single gene condition and also match HLA type with an affected sibling, PGT-M for both the single gene condition and HLA can be done at the same time.

What are the sample requirements for Spectrum?

Natera accepts blood or cheek parental samples, or a sperm sample if the patient is using a sperm donor. Parental blood samples can arrive before the biopsies or at the same time. Cheek swabs must be sent one week prior to receipt of biopsies. Sperm samples can arrive with embryo biopsy samples.

How do I store collected samples before shipping?

Samples should be shipped as soon as possible. Blood and cheek samples should be stored at room temperature if shipping right away. Parental blood samples can be kept in the refrigerator for up to two weeks before sending. Sperm samples from a sperm donor can be sent with embryo biopsy samples, in which case the sperm sample should be frozen.

How long does it take to receive my patient’s results?

Once embryo biopsy samples are received at Natera, testing typically takes between 7-10 business days. The results report will be sent to you once testing is complete.

What does a Spectrum report include?

Depending on the reporting option selected, the results may list which embryo biopsy samples had normal, abnormal, and mosaic results, as well as any embryo biopsy samples with no/inconclusive results.

How do I log in to the NateraConnect portal to view patient results?

Please email and ask to be granted access to NateraConnect. You will then receive an email with login instructions. You have 72 hours to respond to the email or the temporary password will expire. If you exceed 72 hours, you can ask for a new password from You must be a current user of Natera products to be able to log in to NateraConnect.
To log in at a later time, click here and enter your username and password. Once you are logged in, you can either search by patient name by typing a name into the search bar or click on the plus sign next to the ordering physician’s name to see all the patients under that physician. In NateraConnect you can see if a case is open or if results have been reported. You can see results by clicking on “View case details and report.” Results will be under “Test Results.”

How can I contact a board-certified genetic counselor if I have questions about my patient’s Spectrum results?

Board-certified genetic counselors are available to answer provider questions about Spectrum at

Does Natera provide assistance to patients in understanding their results?

Board-certified genetic counselors are available to answer patient questions about Spectrum results, after results have been disclosed by the provider. Patients may schedule a complimentary genetic information session online with a board-certified genetic counselor at Natera. You will receive a written summary of the genetic counseling information session with your patient.

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